
LogP/LogD/pKa Analysis

LogP/LogD/pKa Analysis

As a key step in drug development, understanding a drug candidate's LogP, LogD, and pKa properties is crucial for predicting its absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination (ADME) profile. At our laboratory, Protheragen-ING Lab offers comprehensive LogP/LogD/pKa analysis services to support your drug discovery and optimization efforts.

Understanding LogP/LogD/pKa of drugs

LogP (Partition Coefficient)

LogP is a measure of a compound's lipophilicity, representing the ratio of its concentration in a lipophilic solvent (typically octanol) to that in a hydrophilic solvent (usually water) at equilibrium. It provides insight into the drug's ability to cross cell membranes, its solubility, and its distribution within the body.

LogD (Distribution Coefficient)

LogD is similar to LogP but takes into account the ionization state of the compound at a specific pH. Since many drugs are weak acids or bases and can ionize depending on the pH of their environment, LogD offers a more comprehensive understanding of the drug's behavior in biological systems.

pKa (Acid Dissociation Constant)

pKa is a measure of the strength of an acid, specifically the pH at which a molecule is 50% ionized. Knowing the pKa of a drug helps predict its ionization state at different pH levels, influencing its ADME properties.

Fig.1 Some drugs’ pKa and LogP. Fig. 1 pKa and LogP of some drug compounds[1].

Our Drug LogP/LogD/pKa analysis service

We offer comprehensive LogP, LogD, and pKa analysis services to support your drug development process. Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced scientists ensure accurate and reliable data, helping you make informed decisions about your compounds' pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties.

Our experienced team of scientists will work closely with you to:

a. Measure the LogP, LogD, and pKa of your compounds using industry-standard methods.

b. Provide detailed reports with data analysis and interpretation.

c. Offer guidance on how these parameters may impact your drug's ADME properties.

d. Recommend strategies for optimizing the physicochemical profile of your drug candidates.

Service Highlights:

  • Accurate and Reliable Data.
  • Comprehensive Analysis.
  • Fast Turnaround.
  • Expert Consultation.

Our LogP/LogD/pKa testing method

LogP Analysis

We use the traditional shake-flask method, where your compound is partitioned between n-octanol and water, and the concentration in each phase is measured using HPLC or UV-Vis spectroscopy.

LogD Analysis

LogD analysis is conducted using pH-metric titration or HPLC methods at various pH levels. This allows us to determine the distribution coefficient of the drug across different ionization states, providing a comprehensive profile of its behavior in physiological conditions.

pKa Determination

Our pKa determination utilizes potentiometric titration, UV-visible spectroscopy, or NMR spectroscopy. These methods enable accurate identification of the pKa values, crucial for predicting the drug's ionization state and optimizing its formulation and delivery.

Contact us today to learn more about our LogP, LogD, and pKa analysis services and how we can support your research and development needs.


  1. Chávez JC, et al. Acrosomal Alkalization Triggers Ca2+ Release and Acrosome Reaction in Mammalian Spermatozoa. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2018, 233(6): 4735-4747.