
An ISO9001 Certified Supplier of Pre-Clinical Contract Research Service and Analytical Service

ECHA Registration

ECHA Registration

Protheragen-ING Lab provides customers with comprehensive ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) registration services for general chemicals. Our mission is to assist your business in navigating the complexities of the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation, ensuring full compliance with European Union chemical legislation.

Understanding ECHA registration

The ECHA oversees the implementation of the REACH regulation, which requires companies to register chemical substances manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of one tonne or more per year. The goal of REACH is to protect human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry.

The ECHA registration process involves:

  • Data Gathering and Dossier Preparation: Collecting all relevant physicochemical, toxicological, and ecotoxicological data on the substance, and compiling the technical dossier according to ECHA's requirements.
  • Substance Identity and Composition: Identifying the exact composition of the substance, including any impurities or additives.
  • Exposure Assessment: Evaluating the uses and exposure scenarios for the substance throughout its lifecycle.
  • Risk Assessment: Assessing the hazards and risks associated with the substance, and determining appropriate risk management measures.
  • Submission and Evaluation: Submitting the registration dossier to ECHA, which will evaluate the information and decide whether to approve the registration.

Our ECHA registration services

Our team of regulatory experts and toxicology/ecotoxicology specialists can assist you with the entire ECHA registration process, from data gathering to dossier preparation and submission. We have extensive experience working with a wide range of chemical substances and can provide the following services:

Substance Identification and Composition Analysis: Determining the precise identity and composition of your substance, including any impurities or additives.

a. Hazard and Exposure Assessment

Evaluating the hazards and exposure scenarios for your substance, and developing appropriate risk management measures.

b. Dossier Preparation

Compipng the technical dossier according to ECHA's requirements, including all necessary physicochemical, toxicological, and ecotoxicological data.

c. Dossier Submission and ECHA Interaction

Submitting the registration dossier to ECHA and responding to any questions or requests for additional information during the evaluation process.

d. Ongoing Comppance and Updates

Monitoring regulatory changes and updating your registration dossier as necessary to maintain compliance.

Why Choose Our ECHA Registration Services?

  • Extensive experience in ECHA registration for a wide range of chemical substances
  • Dedicated team of regulatory experts, toxicologists, and ecotoxicologists
  • Tailored solutions to meet your specific needs and timelines
  • Efficient and cost-effective approach to ensure successful registration
  • Ongoing support and guidance throughout the entire process

For more information about our ECHA Registration services or to discuss your specific needs, please contact us. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with all your ECHA registration needs, ensuring a smooth and compliant entry to the EU market.
